Actress Eniola Badmus, popularly known as Gbogbo Bigz Girls, has earned her place in the highly competitive Nigerian movie industry as a crossover actress. Best known for her role as a street urchin, the actress in a recent interview revealed that she has to date a guy for five years before she will consider marrying him.
Eniola said, "What is the point if I marry today and tomorrow it's over? What's the essence? I am living my life. I will have a baby when necessary. Marriage is good but what's the essence of me getting married today and tomorrow I'm not in it? For any man I am going to marry or call my husband we should be together for five years before we walk down the aisle.
"We may have children but at least after five years I will know that you're ready for me. Not getting married today, and tomorrow he's out! I've seen it happen to my friends, I don't want to go through that trauma."
Does dating a guy for five years guarantee that the marriage will last?
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